Ah oui, appel - moi Lidah, je suis malgache, s'il y a quelques chose que vous pouvez connaître à Madagascar, je suis là, je suis très sympathique et souriante, je vous remercie infiniment Monsieur Philippin?
Ah yes, call - me bar, I'm Malagasy, there are a few thing you can know in Madagascar, I'm there, I'm very friendly and smiling, thank you very much Mr Filipino?
Oh yes, call - Lidah me, I Malagasy, if there is some thing that you can find in Madagascar, I'm here, I'm very friendly and smiling, thank you very much Mr. Filipino?
Ah yes, call - me Lidah, i am Malagasy, if there is some thing that you can know in Madagascar, I am there, I am very friendly and smiling, I thank you very much Mr. Filipino?